The company was founded in Hildesheim, Germany, which is the group’s headquarters today. Over the years, we consistently developed and modernized this traditional model-making business, which was founded in 1947.
Today, the Hildesheim site is responsible for development, from the fiber to the molded part. The company’s own technical center tests and trials tools, makes models and small batches.
Grimm-Schirp Maschinen- und
Werkzeugbau GmbH
Marggrafstraße 13 • D-31137 Hildesheim
Phone:+49 (0) 51 21 / 93 72-0
Fax:+49 (0) 51 21 / 93 72-0
- Maximum table size machining centers 5150 x 1700 mm
- Unit weight up to 10 t